“Depending on which side you’re on, karma can be a beautiful thing.”
Write a story which ends with this sentence.
Just Leave Bro
“ 2 weeks notice of an empty chair. Go ahead and see how we care.
- You’re replaceable, we’ll find another, possibly better, you’re spare parts. Cheeks flushed, boxes packed, your self-congratulatory thoughts are almost visible.
-You’re the one walking away, we gave you every chance, we gave you ever opportunity, yes, we could have done a little better but who’s perfect? Our effort is what counts, and you’re letting us down, and we don’t - we can’t stress this enough - we don’t CARE.
- Chalk it up to insubordination or unhappiness or whatever “synergetic” corporate-barrel speak vocabulary word you want; this won’t change the facts.
Have we mentioned how little we care? We laugh at you not knowing just how many of you there are out there. You weren’t the worst, you weren’t the best, you were just there because you came along at the very time you came along. But now comes the next one. The moment you left is the moment we began replacing you. “
Oh how loud this projection would ring if loudness correlated with satisfaction. But I knew this to not be a fact of life. That’s just how it is. The truth is, I wished I could hear it, not because it’s what I needed but because I knew I would be better off now that I’ve left...
So why do I feel scared?
Just as I am replaceable to them, they are to me. Analogies are elementary for a reason: they’re rarely without at least a seed of truth. A good analogy is to truth as a good analogy is to a bad analogy: confusing, over-complicated, and quite honestly, distracting from reality at this very moment.
Oh yeah, I forgot the elevator does that weird stutter-close thing unless I press the “close” button rapidly. Oh but here comes that guy who I always had friendly conversation about the local sports team. Oh dear, I’m going to seem rude. Oh no, now he’s seen me make eye contact while continuing to press the button repeatedly. Oh no. Maybe he would unders - oh no now the door is closed.
I will never see the other side of this door again. How freeing.
Oh, wait, it’s opening again. Oh I forgot that if you press the directional button outside while the elevator is still on the floor, regardless if it’s taken off yet or not, it will re-open to a very awkward air.
Maybe I’m scared because I didn’t feel as if they did me wrong and that I’m entitled to good comings. Maybe I’m scared because I doubt myself too much. Maybe karma is relative and that by the fruits of my own labor bears karma.
Whatever it is, karma is to a hole in a one way window between reality and reflection as analogies are to the complexities of an over complicated perspective.
Depending on which side you’re on, karma can be a beautiful thing.