This stranger in the street, was yesterday my friend.
Compose a poem which uses this line, or draws inspiration from it.
The stranger in the street was yesterday my friend, a close friend and family. But like the saying goes all good things must come to an end. Not even a smile in my direction is she willing to send. How hurtful it was that you could so calmly exit my life, not to be bothered with answers or goodbyes. Please share with me the ability to put our memories in some kind of box or locked archive? How you can not wonder if I’m dead or alive? I truly believed no matter what that our bond we could one day revive. Though I guess I was wrong and have to accept it and somehow move on.
Have you not yet stopped and realized one day has now turned to years? I don’t know if you had any idea but our grandma always spoke that us not staying in touch was something she had feared. I envy you feel nothingness because it randomly at times and also trigged by a certain song brings me to tears.