Write a romance story that takes place during lockdown/quarantine.
It doesn't have to be set in the current global situation, but you could use experiences over the last year to imagine what a lockdown romance might be like!
Lock Down
I walked into the living room and saw the usual mess, scattered papers and food wrappers sprawled across the room, a half empty can of beer spilled out on the floor( luckily I had hardwood) I groaned and opened the window to get rid of the stale smell of beer. The limo on the couch who had created the mess moved slightly , something almost like a groan escaped the lips before falling back asleep. I shuffled to the kitchen and put the coffee on. Ten minutes the lump other wise known as Lori stumbled into the kitchen. Her red hair which was usually slightly tame was as wild as could be as if she had just stepped outside into a tornado. She wore an extra large gray shirt that was covered in various stains, although to call it a shirt was ridiculous and the shirt almost covered her knees. I poured a cup of coffee and handed it to her. With a small nod she thanked me and proceeded to pour in two spoons of sugar into the cup.
Life in lockdown certainly had its challenges. For one we were both out of our minds with boredom. Oh sure we binge watched all the shows and Lori and I each picked up a new hobby for a few weeks but it wasn’t enough to chase away the endless hours in between video calls and meetings to chase away the uncertainty of this never ending lock down.
At first we thought of it as a fun way to spend more time, after all with people not leaving their houses unless it was to go for groceries or the doctors or something else like that there wasn’t much else to do. Of course anyone could go outside any time they liked hut there just wasn’t much to do. Restaurants, bars, movies, concerts and pretty much anything fun was cancelled until further notice. I’m a nature lover but there’s only so many times you can walk around outside before you get sick of that too. As the lock down continued we began getting in each other’s nerves more and more until it was rare to pass even an hour without being at each other’s throats. I sip my coffee slowly. Those days were still crystal clear in my head and would probably always be burned into my memory. The yelling and screaming and slamming of doors and then the long unbearable silence that followed sometimes lasting for days.
I stared back at Lori who was busy pouring cereal and making toast. I could almost laugh thinking about how we use to hate each other until we found out we both hated the same teacher for the same reason. It was almost hard to images that was three years ago. We became unlikely friends after that. She taught me to skip class every once in a while and I taught her that not every rule needed to be broken. About a year ago we started dating, it wasn’t something we planned Or anything but one day we kissed and everything changed. She started staying over my place and we were growing closer and then everything changed with the lock down. Now we seemed to exist in this weird indifferent relationship. There weren’t sparks anymore like the first time we kissed but we were both tired of yelling and screaming. We had a silent agreement that we would just tolerate each other. Lori over to the table and slid a bowl of cereal and a plate of toast in front of me.
Without knowing why I felt myself reach up and grab her shirt gentle. She paused, clearly caught off guard. Slowly i pulled her closer to me until my lips met hers. The kiss was king and slow, filled with everything I couldn’t say out loud. For a minute she.was too shocked to do anything and then she was kissing me back. After nearly two months of being in each other’s space and a month of constant fighting everything we wanted to say had exploded into a powerful and passionate kiss. Nothing mattered in that kiss, not her sloppiness or my nagging or either of our annoying ticks and flaws. Eventually we had to pull away. We didn’t say anything but we didn’t need to, we both knew everything had changed in that moment