Chapter Four: Click! 🗝

This was taking way to long, thought Mira.

Someone should have opened that door by now. She was just about to give up when she heard the door creak open, her whole body tensed up, she slowly peeked around the wall, please let it not be Elijah. It wasn’t, Thank god. Instead it was the girl with the fair hair again, she was arguing with someone behind the door, her voice rising in octaves. “Come on Joseph, you know I’m careful, besides! I’m the only one who can do it anyway! You can’t do it! Neither can Olive or Elijah!” Mira’s breath caught at the sound of her brothers name, the other person replied, the voice was quite so she couldn’t hear it, Mira turned her head trying to catch what they were saying, she still couldn’t hear! Though she did realize that the person on the other side was a man, his voice deep and rich.

Their arguing finally stopped, and the door swung closed. The girl started to turn, Mira quickly withdrew her head, and readied herself with the brick. Mira could hear the girl approaching, her long skirts swishing. Mira took a deep breath, and… she leaped out from behind the wall swinging the brick at the girls head, the girl let out a small yelp of surprise, then crumpled to the ground. Mira stood looking down at the girl, horror blossoming inside her at what she had done.

She quickly knelt to the ground checking that the girl was breathing, she was, thank the angels. Mira dragged the girl to a dark corner, careful not to hit her head in the process. She fished around in the girls pockets, finally finding an old rusty key.

She stood up and made her way to the door, she fitted the key in the lock, turned. For a second Mira was scared that this was the wrong key, but then she heard the satisfying “click!” And the door swung open

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