The Beast In The Banquet

Echoes of screaming filled the corridor, bouncing off the damp cold stone of the castle walls. Aoife, a drinks maiden for the evenings celebration, clutched the jug of wine as she approached the banquet halls. The screams were accompanied with the smashing of plates and the crashing of tables. She knew not to enter the hall, so quietly crouched down to peer through the iron cast keyhole of the ancient doors. Her peering eye widened at the scene.

Ale and wine mixed on the floor with the freshly spilled crimson blood of her punters, wooden furniture smashed across the hard floors. Fleshy remains splattered across the tiles, the occasional body sprawled across the floor. Those who were alive were frantic, running from one side of the hall to the other, throwing whatever objects they could find into the air. Their screams were interrupted by the loud, inhuman screeching from a force in the air. Aoife couldn’t get the angle to see it. She squatted lower to try and get a view of what had caused this chaos. A large thud hit the door. Aoifes eyes panned to the floor to see a head roll into her vision. Leaning on the door to try and work out who the recently deceased was, it thrust open and Aoife was forced to the floor. Opening her eyes she saw the decapitated head of her father, dead eyes peering back at her. He was the banquets entertainer for the evening. The other worldly screech deafened her as she looked up to see something she wasn’t able to comprehend.

A pale beast with a human like head, dull red eyes staring back at her. Winged with pale mottled skin. Sharp teeth reddened with the blood of its prey. Those who remained alive in the room made way for the door, trampling around Aoife as she lay stunned on the floor, captivated by the monstrous presence. The room was empty now, the two beings locked in a gaze. Aoife could have sworn she saw the creature smile, and this was the last thing she would ever see.

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