Describe a musical instrument that hasn't been invented yet.
Consider not just its physical appearance, but the way it could be played, and the unique sound it would produce.
It appears different for everyone, given it’s way of traveling through minds. For some it could be similar to a flute, for others a violin. It could sound somber or joyful. Beautiful or horrid.
It could cut through the air with each note played or it could float as if it were meant to be there all along.
Perhaps it was missing for years and the redescovery of it fills our hearts with something we never realized was gone. Maybe it’s the opposite and it was used as a torture device way back when. No one sees it or imagines it the same.
That’s because it doesn’t exist, not yet anyways.
It’s just an idea.
The thing about ideas, is that they always come from an imagination.
And imaginations are limitless.