Submitted by Eliana

Create an encyclopaedia entry for an imaginary creature.

From My Research File

Water dwelling humanoids -



Description – The Nixe are an intelligent species of fresh water dwelling humanoid. A humaniod upper half, merges with the tail of an aquatic mammal. They have gills located at the neck, that continues down each flank. The Nixe are usually between 2-3 meters in length, including the tail. The tail is scaled, and dully coloured, these colours tend to get more intense at the onset of mating season, often transforming from muted browns and greens, to a dramatic red or blue colouration. The Nixe are unique among aquatic mammals, as they have a large dorsal fin, that runs along the spine. This fin is brightly coloured, often in hues of red and blue, these marking become luminescent during the breeding season. Their fingers are webbed, making it easy for them to reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour through the water. Their hair is often a green or brown colouration to simulate algae, this is thought to be a camouflage adaptation. The eyes of the Nixe are huge, rounded, and mostly black, to allow better light filtration in dark or murky waters. Their skin is usually a pale grey or silver, with a scaled texture.


Juvenile Nixe, will have more muted colouration, as well as spotted markings to help them camouflage on the lakebed. Nixe grow fast, often reaching sexual maturity at around 5 years old. Where their juvenile markings fade and their adult markings and colours present.


Behaviour – As a matriarchal society, the Nixe live in small family groups under a dominant female, her markings are more pronounced, and her colours will be brighter and more flashy than the lesser females and the males of the species. The Nixe have sweet dispositions and are easily swayed by shinny objects. They have also been known for saving drowning victims in their lakes. The Nixe are attracted to fishermen and often follow the boats, feeding on the fish that slip through the fisherman’s nets. They can feed on both fish and plant matter in the lake, making them omnivorous.


During the mating season, the Nixe will grow limb-like structures, allowing them to leave the water for short durations. This allows them to find a mate or a new territory in another body of water. These migrations often occur during rainstorms, preventing the Nixe from drying out and suffocating on land. The breeding season occurs once every 3 years, marked not only by the migration, but also infighting among the females to establish their dominance.


Juveniles are looked after by the males, on the lake bed. Allowing the females to hunt and gather for the tribe.


Skills and uses – The Nixe are said to have the ability to foresee the future. The eyes of the Nixe are used by oracles for a better read of future events, where the scales are used as fishing lures. The meat of the Nixe is served raw and tastes tangy with a strong smell of hyacinths. Although the sale of nixe meat has been made illegal in recent years due to a decline in the population.







Description – Similar to the Nixe, Mermaids are their saltwater counterparts, they are the evolutionary ancestor of the Nixe. Mermaids are much brighter in colouration, often marked with golds and reds all year round. The eyes are bigger than their freshwater counters, and they lack the dorsal fin. Skin tone ranges from gold to bronze, their hair usually in shades of red, orange, even purple. The tail is longer than a Nixe tail, more fanned and fancier. Mermaids are a patriarchy, the tribes are usually large, with multiple families living together. They prefer to live in under-sea caves and caverns. They are obligate carnivores, tending to eat fish and aquatic mammals. The mermaids tend to have similar scaled skin as the Nixe, their scales are larger and more armoured. Mermaids are also larger overall. Between 3-4 meter in length, although the record for the biggest mermaid catch, was 5.6 meters in length.


Juveniles usually appear darker, almost black, the females tend to them in the caves until, they reach maturity at around 8 years old. Breeding season occurs once a year during the spring equinox, the season usually results in fighting and deadly behaviour, causing several to wash ashore, injured or dead.


Behaviour – Mermaids are vicious creatures, defending their territory with violence. Any ship travelling through the territory will be attacked and harassed until it leaves. Fishing vessels are advised to steer clear of those areas. As a patriarchy the tribes are usually extremely violent and caution must be taken if travelling through their seas. It is said that the Mermaids song is a harbinger of catastrophic storms, anyone that hears the call of the Mermaid should take heed and get to a safe location as soon as able.


A war-like people, the Mermaids are known to drown their victims, carrying the bodies down in to the depths. Not much else is known of them.


Skills and uses – The tail of a Mermaid is sometimes nailed to the helm of a ship in order to ward other Mermaids away, and the hair is often made into an amulet to ward off evil spirits. The meat of the Mermaid, is unpalatable, with a heavy salted taste.

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