
It was late in the evening, the streets are quiet as I walk out from the movie theater.

“Another terrible movie, these horror movies have gotten worse,” I say to myself, lighting a cigarette.

The cold wind blows my cigarette out before I get a chance to put it to my lips. I curse under my breath, throwing it the ground. I look around, noticing I’m the only one out.

“What time is it?” I think out loud, checking my watch.

Only 9:35 pm.

I furrow my brow, is the town always like this? Having just moved here I had no idea that the night life was this ghostly.

I start to walk down the sidewalk, trying to remember how to get back to my apartment. As I continue to walk I get a feeling that someone might be following me.

I stop, turning around abruptly. Nothing. Just the flicking of a street light. I turn back around, a shiver running down my spine.

It was a bad idea to watch that horror movie.

I begin to walk faster, then I break out into a sprint as I start to hear footsteps behind me.

The cold air causes tears to flood my eyes as I continue to run, my vision becoming blurry.

I feel like their getting close, but my legs won’t run any faster. As If the situation couldn’t get any worse I suddenly trip over my own foot, falling to the ground.

I smack my head against the hard pavement, the blow barely rendering me conscious.

I feel a hand lift me up by the back of my shirt so that I’m on my knees. I can’t see anything, I’m blind with pain. A rag gets put over my mouth and nose and I struggle to breathe.

I claw at the rag out my mouth but that does little to nothing. I try to scream but it’s muffled.

Slowly, the world goes dark.




I wake up in the back seat of a car. The leather sticking to my face. I shift as I feel the car take a sharp turn. I don’t know how long I’ve been in this car for.

I don’t know where it is now, nor do I have any clue as to where it’s going.

I don’t know whether to sit up or stay down. I don’t seemed to be strapped down by anything but my hands are tied behind my back.

I slowly move my head so my cheek is against the sticky leather. That doesn’t do much, the only thing I can see is the back of the passengers seat.

I weigh my options, if I sat up, I could be knocked out again. If I stayed down, I might never know where I am and won’t be able to find my way back.

I go with the latter. Quickly as I can I sit up, my head exploding with pain.

I see a black figure in the front seat, slowly they reach their hand back without turning their head. They grab ahold of my throat and roughly throw me against the window.

The edges of my visions begin to darken and my ears ring. Having previously hit my head on the pavement it doesn’t take too much to knock me out again.

Just before I fall back unconscious I get a glimpse of the persons face. If I could’ve screamed at the moment, I would’ve.

They had no face.

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