Door shut tightly, might the monsters come.

Write a poem which ends with this line. You may wish to interpret the 'monsters’ metaphorically rather than literally.


Run so fast through forest dark,

Eyes hunt well, my form set stark,

Bounding past the creeping reeds,

Hands grasp blades, my wounds they bleed,

Racing to that black inn room,

Hounds of hell, they’ll find me soon,

Glancing up at bright moon of night,

Feet bound rail, sanctuary in sight,

Opening portal to front room,

Quiet as mouse, lest I’ve sealed my doom,

Shutting door to brace for death,

Jamb too heavy, I’m out of breath,

Eyes look out from window there,

Torches hunt, to bring despair,

Screams of beast and bane fill dark night,

To them I’m creature, horror-filled sight,

To Mom and Dad I am handsome,

Not fearsome or ugly, not made for fright,

Listening against door for that hunting sum,

Door shut tightly, might the monsters come.

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