I’m Just Me.

Why do you repeat the same things,

You keep putting things in front of me

You will be this and you will do that

I don’t want to!

I’m tired!

Stop dressing me up!

I will rip up the lace

And shred the silk.

Stop taking my feelings

I won’t let you mold them!

I can’t become you!

When I was your age I wanted to be this way,

But I’m not you

I can’t remember who I am

Am I just a doll to you?

When I was your age I didn’t do that,

But I’m not you

I can’t remember who I am

Am I just a doll to you?

How many layers have been crafted

How many layers have already been solidified

How many must I destroy

To find myself

Beneath all of your teachings

I’m just me.

I can not be you.

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