Submitted by Starlight
Write a story or poem about a spirit seeking revenge.
Revenge Is A Deadly Game
I lay bare on the cold floor
My lifeless body pale and empty
Blood gushing out of my stomach
Signaling the time of a heavy passing.
Wondering if I can find a sign
That I was alive
In this dark and lonely place
I wait for some kind of miracle
To ease my suffering
And my being deprived
Of the line I once drew encased
So bring me back a body
A face I can recognize
A voice I can hear
And a heartbeat I can feel
A soul that is near
As I dream and hope
And the darkness only grows
I realize I have to take matters
For the better it shows
Into my own hands,
And embrace Hell’s doors
To become the one thing,
Even a brother
wouldn’t be able to endure
He saw me quick
And he saw me fast
I kept him on edge
As he stumbled a mass
The thick of blood
And guilt he hid
**He knew**
then and there
it was his time
to come to an end.