When I Look In The Mirror

I walked over to my mirror again while breathing heavily. It is the first day back to school and I am trying my hardest to look my best. I put on really good makeup, and it doesn’t look half bad.

My outfit should be something a model would wear, this is going to impress people.

My top matches my ripped jeans perfectly. My shirt has a rose on it. The colour is a dark magenta. I put my hair up in a high ponytail, but I notice a knot in my dark hair.

I comb it out being extremely gentle.

I stared at myself. I need more eyeshadow. A golden brown will be perfect. I walk over to my vanity and put some on. I turn back to my mirror and stare in shock.

What is that?! Me??? I look like an undercooked meatball with dried up worms growing from my head! My eyes look terrible like I’ve looked at the sun for 5 hours straight!! My neck looks all bony! I run my fingers along my hair. I still feel it. But In the mirror it’s gone and has turned to what looks like dried worms!

“Honey it’s time to go to school!” My mother yells from downstairs.

No. I can’t go to school with orange skin! I didn’t put on too much spray tan did I? I looked at my clock, and there was no time to fix it. I have to go to school looking like a monster! When I try to look good I always fail!!

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