Submitted by Jules Lee Petrich

The Anti-Hero

Write about a hero that becomes a villain, thinking that they’re not in the wrong.

Not Like This

“I pledge myself to you, _General Darcy_.” Paige said in a joking tone as she dipped into an extravagant bow.

I laughed and flopped on the bed. “General Darcy. I really can’t believe it.

“Me neither. Who new Dancing Darcy would climb up and become a General.” Paige said, laying down next to me.

I shook my head and laughed, not being able to answer. The truth was, I didn’t even believe in myself during certain times. Now I had my name on the paper and flying from mouth to mouth.

I was going to change this war.

That was the promise I made to myself as soon as I was given the role.

I was going to win, no matter what.


“Paige, step away from them.” I threatened, my knife’s handle felt cold in my hand as I held it up to her throat. I couldn’t stop the shaking.

The shaking.

It was almost violent, no matter how hard I tried to steady myself.

Shaking is a sign of weakness.

There is no room for that in war.

“You’re holding these innocent people hostage, Darcy!” She exclaimed, practically shouting. Her eyes were filled with disbelief, mirroring my own.

My nostrils flared, “I’m doing what I have to do! Don’t you want to win this war?”

“There are children here!”

“Children that will die as assets to our side. A good cause.”

“Not like this.” Paige fell to her knees, her eyes welling with tears. “Not like this.”

A lump formed in my throat, a bubble I couldn’t push down.

“I’m sorry.”

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