Submitted by M.W.B-B
“When the time comes, be ready.”
Write a short scene where this piece of speech is used.
A Light In The Darkness
Time was a precious gift, a luxury that we did not have. I stared at my friend as he anxiously paced the small room. His blond hair was a disheveled mess, and his piercing blue eyes clutched a look of dire concentration.
"Callum, we're not making any progress... the Raiders will attack by nightfall, you know-"
"I know, Aedan." His tone was firm, even harsh. My breath stuck in my throat. Callum was rarely angry.
An uneasy quiet hung in the room. The only sounds were Callum's light footfalls against the old wooden floorboards and the occasional crackle of the fire.
"If you leave now, you can catch up with her." I offered, grimacing as I did so. I already knew his answer.
Callum froze. His fists clenched, and he stared into the dancing flames of the fire. When he spoke, his voice was scarcely a breath.
"How can I rescue one without abandoning the other?" He sank to his knees, head cradled in his hands.
My heart sank. He was right. I looked away, unable to see my friend in anguish. If he left, he'd be leaving his people, his kingdom, to fend for themselves against ruthless attacks. Yet, if he didn't go, he'd be allowing the love of his life, and the hope for us all, to wander into a death trap. What choice was there that could save both?
I glanced across the room, and my eyes fell on the blade. The long, glinting sword that lay in magnificent regality. An inscription laced the outer rim of the blade, and in it's hilt was embedded a single sapphire surrounded by a small ring of diamonds. The symbol of our kingdom. The symbol of our rightful king. My gaze darted back to Callum, and I drew in a breath, renewed confidence flooding into my veins. I stood and took up my own sword.
"There is a way." I said, my voice bolder than I had anticipated. Callum gazed up at me, his expression one of sorrow with a hint of curiosity. I smiled. "You, Callum McCartney, my dearest friend and companion, my brother in spirit, my King, will go after Lilian." I paused, holding up my blade, "I, hopefully also your dearest friend, will stay in Ocapalus and defend our beloved Kingdom, or die trying."
Callum stood, hesitancy on his face. I cut him off before he could object.
"Adonai never meant for us to fight alone, my friend."
For the first time since he'd returned, he smiled slightly. "Adonai has blessed me far more than I am worthy of, Aedan. What ever have I done to deserve a friend such as yourself?"
I smirked, "Nothing. I suppose I'm just simply dumb enough to stick by your side in this world of incomprehensible confusion."
Callum laughed and punched my shoulder playfully. I grinned. My old friend was back. I held out my right hand, and he clasped it with his own. In unison, we recited the vow of the Kingdoms.
"May I forever fight with and for you,
until the day when sorrows shall cease."
Callum strode across the room and gently picked up the sword. He examined it with an odd expression, then turned to me.
He held out the sword.
I faltered. "Callum, I... you know I can't..."
"Take it." Was his reply. "I'm not King yet."
"But one day you shall be."
"Perhaps, should Adonai will it." He smiled slightly. "But until then, I entrust it to you."
Swallowing hard, I gently grasped the hilt. With reverence, I tramped to the corner and removed a slat from the wall, revealing a small hole in which other small treasures were stored. Cautiously, I lowered the blade inside, covering it with a cloth.
"It will be safe there." I said, turning back to Callum. He smiled and gave a single nod. His gaze shifted to the window, and out into the darkness beyond.
"Take care, Aedan. May we meet again." He paused a moment, turning to me. "Remember the signal. When the time comes, be ready."
I straightened my shoulders. "Until the day when sorrows shall cease."
(This will be in a future book in the series I'm writing. I hope you enjoyed! Please let me know if there's anything I can improve on!)