
It’s been 16 minutes since i’ve presented my piece. Obviously i would’ve liked to have done better, considering i stumbled over a couple words caught up in the glaring eyes of hundreds before me, sadly then leading into a little breakdown which Kris would call a “moderate exaggeration”. Kris is my partner in the studio and a long time friend, though we’ve been through some rough patches over the course of this project. She should be arriving soon, something about a transit delay. I hope she at least gets here before the judges announce the best piece. There was one guy after me in the show, and let me tell you it was a bizarre presentation to witness. Though the actual artwork itself, i would say resembles a simple yet modern children’s play set, and probably wouldn’t have required too much skill if i’m being honest. However, the audacious amount of metaphors he’d go on to explain within the details of the art piece didn’t fail one bit, as far as captivating the audience goes. Oh and the judges, so prestigious with their scarves and hipster haircuts, I couldn’t get close to a single read on them through their pretentious masks. *bzz bzz* Kris is here, right on time, i’m gonna go get her from the back. The nerves have settled down thankfully, though I gotta say not too many of these artists here have presented detailed pieces, I mean sure their presentations have done way better than mine, except that one guy who kept sneezing, allergies, what’re you gonna do. I get to the door and upon opening I find no one there. I take one step and lean forward to check an- “HOLY SHIT KRIS YOU FUCKI-“

“Hey Mark, how’s the show?” she said

“Kris, you scared the shit out of me. Let’s get back before the judges make the announcement”

Heading back inside, I can see she’s had a rough day. The empty stare, bad posture, the fake smile which I assume is for the occasion. I mean when Kris works for me, i’d think it’s not that hard a job; (ideas, cleaning brushes, food) but surviving on that pay check alone in New York City, while also trying to support a younger sibling, means she must use her time to work. We stop by a vending machine to get a drink.

“How you holding up?” I said, snapping her into focus.

“Well, tired to be honest, i’ve had 4 returns on broken sculptures today and Jeremy needed me to take him to the dentist, and worst than that i missed your whole presentation, so you gotta tell me, how was it?”

“It was…. a learning experience to say the least. Though their art may not have been the most skillfully done, they drew everyone in with their presentations, for the most part. So who knows, maybe we got a shot maybe we don’t” I said humbly.

“Well we better go find out, hurry up punk i’ll race you there” and she took off.

“GET BACK HERE!” I yelled, chasing her like a crazed maniac.

We arrive laughing behind the curtains, turning to see all of the pieces out out on the stage before us. Looking now, I can boldly say that my work is the best one there, it has to be. Look at the brush strokes, the detail on each leaf as the colours blend them together revealing bodies in the negative space. The texture of the crunch within the leaves, or the cloudy ethereal essence of the bodies between. A piece with good character and heart, hours and hours of thinking breathing FEELING this painting, and even if i don’t win this stupid thing, i’ll still know how great this painting is simply by the effort and love that was put into it.

“Me along with the rest of our judges, have come to a unanimous decision” the judge wearing the fuzzy hat states.

Anxiously i await.

“The winner of New York City’s Covenant Art Show 2019 is Mark Wildro’s ‘Autumn’”

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