Choose a major issue going on in the world today. Write a story that symbolises this idea on a personal level between two characters.
Consider how you will allude to the wider global issue while keeping your story intimate and relatable.
The Same Talk As Last Week
Farris never shuts up. I live next door. He keeps his Stars and Stripes in plain view.
“Look at this area. It’s going to welfare.” Farris says that about once a week.
“Is that right?” I’m often too tired for his nonsense.
“You know, this area had a chance once. Now, it’s just welfare.”
“Why should I pay to support people who don’t work?”
“Why should you?”
“I shouldn’t. I pay my own way. Why am I paying taxes to keep them going? The more I work, the less they do. What kind of fair is that? I do all the work, and these welfare families take it. I do my fair share.”
He’s known for his lazy work ethic. “More than your fair share.”
“And those illegals.”
I grin full well knowing where he’s headed. “Don’t even get me started.”
“Taking our jobs.”
Like we want what they do. “Yeah. I really wanted to mow Larry’s yard but he’s got someone doing it for cheap.”
“Build a wall! It’ll keep them out. Trump tried to save this country. They wouldn’t let him.”
“We gotta do something about the illegals.”
“I’ll think about it. You know, since it’s supposed to help. I need to get off to work. I’ll see you.”
Later that day, I run off to the nearest Lowe’s and buy some 2 by 4 boards. I figure 8 feet high is tall enough.
I start the wall between our houses on my side of property line. It doesn’t take long before I have my own wall. I sit out on my porch and wait for him to pop out again.
After the sun goes down, he pops back out. I see him from the porch.
He calls up. “That’s a nice fence you have up there.”
“Not nice enough. It’s not keeping out the illegals.” I grin meaning him.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get him back in office.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” And that’s when I realize he’ll never pick up on anything I do.