Submitted by Robin Marlowe
'It is easy to get lost in the underworld.'
Write a poem that incorporates this line.
Orpheus had met her eyes. That was that.
Her back hit the floor, life draining.
Death came quick, no use feigning
what Hades said upon his throne where he sat.
"Do not look back," Hades had said,
and her love marched to those words in his head.
The last step, he turned in despair.
If he loved her less, he wouldn't have dared.
So she wakes up again in the dark of the Hells.
The sobs wrack her body for hours on days.
_Orpheus, my sweet, you met my gaze_
_and where there should've been joy, there were knells._
Gods, it is chilling and black as the night
but she knows she is loved, so she doesn't fight.
Eurydice walks where the road doesn't curve.
It is easy to get lost in the Underworld.