They Know 2.0

15 August 1947, how can I forget this day? Its the day that changed everything. The last time I saw the Hooded Figure. The first time the bag came to me. I knew this day would come for I was warned by the Hooded Figure. I wonder if rhe figure had a gender. I wonder if it ever had to deal with emotions. I wonder if those emotions had to do with another being. I remember every single detail of that day. It was unlike anyother day. Everything from the start felt so different. The coffee maker stopped working, perhaps I did not fill in the beans. The wife was out with the kids. For the first time in all those years I spent in the desert it rained. When the rain stopped for the first time I could sense the change in the breeze. It was that night when I had found the bag at my doorstep and now it’s the same bag they are asking me about. They know!!!

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