The Tavern On The Lake

The young merchant boy heaved out a sigh as he entered the clearing in the forest. He had been travelling for three days now and had another day to go before reaching the neighboring village.

He looked up ahead and couldn’t believe his eyes as he spotted a beautiful tavern sitting atop a shimmering lake. The tavern had such an inviting air that he could feel himself being drawn in, taking a step forward almost involuntarily.

He could nearly feel his aching feet sing with relief and his mouth salivate at the thought of having a rest in this cozy inn. He was so tired and weary, there was no other place he could think of to be than this delightful tavern on the water.

As he approached, he noticed a hazy mist surrounding the tavern like an invisible force field. He cautiously lifted his hand to touch the mist and instantly felt a jolt that stung his skin like an intense burn. He cried out in shock and pain but a mere moment later, the mist parted for him like a curtain, drawn open to reveal the captivating tavern and bright sunlight once again.

Walking through the section that had parted for him in the mist, he began to take in his surroundings more clearly. He was welcomed with alluring sounds and smells, encouraging him to continue along the path. Through the sounds of rustling leaves and chirping birds, he heard a familiar cawing. It took him a second to recognize it, as it was very much out of place in this forest. He heard the unmistakable sound of the green-eyed hawk, a bird he had encountered on his travels. It was a warning for ships that sailed too close to treacherous waters. This bird must have been a long way from home.

Growing nearer to the tavern, the young merchant stopped to observe the exquisite foliage surrounding the lake. Vibrant shades of red, orange and pink flowers coloured the path he followed, each with a complex pattern like a kaleidoscope. Among the flowers he noticed the small grey mushrooms dotting the striking field of colours. They were poisonous mushrooms. One bite and he would fall onto the path before reaching the tavern door, which was now so close to the merchant that he was mere steps away. He thought it odd that something so wild and perilous could grow in this paradise.

Now overcome by his thirst and aching legs, the merchant hobbled the last few steps towards his salvation. He was overcome with anticipation and excitement over what he might find behind the ornately carved wooden doors. As he pushed them open, his senses were flooded with the sweet smell of pies. He felt a rush of warmth and joy spread over him as he stepped into the tavern. He finally had a place to rest and feel safe.

Suddenly, all the candles around him blew out and cold air blasted into the tavern. The sweet smell disappeared just as quickly as it had taken over him. Something felt terribly wrong. Intense dread and fear crept into every crevice of the inn. Just as the doors shut behind him, the merchant’s piercing screams were swallowed by the sinister tavern.

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