Submitted by Arnold Carroway

Write a scene that takes place in mid air.

It could be from anyone, or anything's, perspective.



Pitch black...

And dangerous

Reggie lifted the brim of his netted steel helmet, peering down to the ground below. The smells of flak, sulfur and burning debris clung to the back of his throat. His blue eyes burned from the heat that whipped his soot streaked face while tendrils of his ashes blonde hair clung to his sweaty forehead. His huge blue dragon soared high over the battlefield with his master safely astride in the saddle on his back and the rest of the wing following close behind.

Reggie couldn’t believe the sight below. The skies were pitch black with the sickening orange glow rising high into the black. Trenches snaked across the peninsula like coiling veins while barbed wire and large iron crossbars jutted out of the dirt. Fireballs burst from the dirt with geysers of flame, smoke and debris flying into the air. Reggie felt his hands trembling as he gripped the saddle reins. A low rumble escaped Soren’s throat, sensing his rider’s uneasiness.

It was time to fly.

Reggie raised his arm, bending his hand downward and signaling for the wing to dive.


With wordless yells and shouts from their riders, the dragons unleashed a series of loud, ear shattering roars and charged into the inferno.

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