by Kamil Kalbarczyk @ Unsplash

The scene opens with your protagnoist paddling hard down the river, desperately trying to outrun their pursuers.
Falls Are The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of
“BAM!!” The bullet sailed right over Alec’s head as his paddle sprayed a gulp full of fishy river water right in his mouth. “BAM!” “BAM!” More shots rang out as Alec started to paddle with the intensity of an olympian. The river banks seemed to press and narrow in on the pair as though the river itself was in league with their pursuers.
Tom, firmly wedged in the stern of their two seater canoe, looked back over his shoulder and with a great cry exclaimed “it’s now or never…get moving!”
Thanks Tom, thought Alec. “Very profound of you. What gives you that idea? The bullets flying by our heads, or the fact that only you know best how to tick off a 300 pound gorilla with about 300 reasons to want you dead?” said Alec sarcastically.
Alec couldn’t believe his unique ability to cross paths with the worst bit of luck in any situation. Tom walking back into his life was just such an example.
“Listen, pal, I didn’t drag you into this. You knew the stakes, and you wanted in this with your eyes wide open.” Alec would have loved to have turned around and whacked his canoe mate with his paddle, but the sound of another whizzing bullet ripping through the air not far from his ear made him think better of it. They were both in this mess now…whether they liked it or not.
“Up ahead! Look ahead!” cried Tom. “Around that bend the current starts to really pick up. These bums won’t catch us. Just keep paddling!”
Alec’s muscles began to burn. He wasn’t use to this level of demand on his body. No, his idea of a good time was quite different from this. The dampness in the air seemed to absorb right off the river. It was as though the river was one and the same with the air above it. He and Tom were slicing right through that river and air like a butter knife through peanut butter.
“A little bit further!,” exclaimed Tom. Alec dared not look back at their pursuers. He could only imagine them paddling with the same ferocity as they, somehow cutting through that same thick river and air.
The current was picking up now. Much faster in fact. “Are you sure about this? I take it surrender isn’t really an option” Alec shouted back to Tom.
“You always were the funny guy, weren’t you?” Tom gasped between breathes. “Just keep going!”
The current was really moving now. No way out. “What do we do?? We are losing control!” Tom cried as water began splashing over the sides of the canoe. The canoe Tom and Alec had stolen was pretty to look at, but clearly not made for this kind of treatment. The river was definitely not on their side now, if it ever was to begin with.
Ricocheting off the rocks, Alec got no reply from Tom. “You still with me bud? What’s the plan here?” Alec screamed back with a rising tone of panic in his voice. Only the roar of the river responded. Not even a sound from their pursuers.
“Tom, you awake back there? What’s the…” Alec stopped cold as he glanced back at his old friend. Alec was alone! Tom was gone!
Alec’s heart raced as he faced forward again. As soon as he did, he wished he hadn’t. The river was descending, right before his eyes! The realization of a massive waterfall shocked him to his core as much as the cold water now soaking that same core.
Before he could even react to the horror unfolding before his very eyes, the canoe began to point downward and Alec could feel his stomach in the back of his throat.
“AHHHHHHHHHH,” screamed Alec in terror! Just then, a blinding light filled Alec’s world, and a cold sweat replaced the dampness of the river air and soaking currents. His eyes plunged open, and he sat up gasping for air in his bed. The familiar walls of his bedroom replaced the river banks that had surrounded him.
Tom. I need to find out what happened to him, thought Alec. I need to know. Alec leaned back into bed, but there was no going back to sleep now.