The horses in the stable went wild; they knew of the coming storm.

Write a story that starts with this sentence. Is the 'storm' literal or metaphorical?


“What’s all the noise in the stable about?” My mother, the owner of this farm said. She pointed toward the direction of the stable.

“I’ll go check” I uttered to my mother, and then I ran to the stable. The stable was mostly fine except for the horses, they have went wild and I has no idea why. It’s strange, the horses were usually quiet and chill.

“How troubling, I’m certain they wouldn’t stop unless I do something” I went to the storage and equipped my whip, the horses bellowed as I fiercely hit them with it. Soon they’ve gone quiet, and I hope they stay quiet. After I’m done with the job, I saw my mother gesturing for me to go back.

“Hey, did you find out why they’ve been making the noises?” My mother asked me as she no longer hears the voices of the horses.

“No mother, but I made them quiet” I told her what I did, and that the horses were unwilling to stay quiet.

“I heard rumors that some animals can sense the storm coming, how about you go check the weather broadcast while I go for a walk?” My mother ordered me as she left the barn.

“Mother, there’s no need to do so, it’s just rumors” I tried to persuade her as I’m not familiar with the technology stuffs and I don’t like dealing with them. But a horse abruptly interrupted our conversation and darted around the place, we stared at the direction of the stable and what we saw baffled us. A storm, a big one, one big enough to destroy the whole place. We instantly ride on the back of the horse and left without our valuables. I still do regret not listening to my mother, perhaps if I do so, we could’ve bring a few valuables with us.

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