Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.
A Cyber Relationship
*texting on the phone*
“Okay. Hear me out. This is going to be a long text so I’m sorry, but there’s something I need to tell you, and I know you don’t want to hear it. I’m not expecting an answer back, even thought it would be appreciated, I just need to get this off my chest. We’ve been talking for quite sometime now and I think things are going well. I mean sure we haven’t hung out or anything but we FaceTime a lot, like almost every night, and I think we’ve really connected. In my town I don’t really have many friends so it’s nice to have you to talk to about my problems. My parents kind of leave me be which yeah I guess could be nice at times but not when I need advice for certain things. Anyways what I’m trying to say is that you’re really special to me and I really appreciate you a lot. Even though I do most of the talking in our friendship it’s nice to be heard and listened to. Sherri, you are one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen in my life. Prettier than Ariana Grande even! Oh how I wish I could see your beauty in real life, but you live too far away. Why? Why do you have to live so far?Anyways my point is that you’ve made a really good impact on my life and I don’t know where I’d be without you. Thank you for always letting me talk to you about my problems or about simple things like my day. You always find a way to brighten up my life and make me smile when I’ve been upset. What I’m trying to say Sherri is that I see a future with you. I think that one day we will date and marry and have kids. Of course we are too young now I mean we are only 13 but I will wait for you Sherri. I will be Charlie Smith married to Sherri Smith. I- I love you Sherri. I love you so much. And I will never stop loving you until the day I die. Do you love me back? My love?” Charlie trembles as he stares at his phone with his thumb hovering over the send button. “And send” he says to himself with a nervous yet proud smile on his face. “Now we wait...” he sighed. A few minutes later his phone buzzed and he jerked to see if Sherri had replied. She did, kind of. Charlie opened his phone to a notification from Sherri’s number. His lip starts to quiver and his eyes starts to tear up as he gazes into his phone with the message *you’ve been blocked* scorching into his eyes.