Dreaming of You

All my dreams come true.

In the night, when I lie on my bed and fall into a deep slumber, my mind weaves a collection of dreams. Dreams built on my desires, my fears, my hopes and despairs.

And when I wake up, whatever I dreamt of will become a reality. The only catch is that I cannot control what I dream of. Every night, every dream, is a roll of the dice.

I've had this ability for as long as I can remember, but the funny thing is, I don't really have anything to wish for. I mean, sure, I have wants and needs like any normal person. But there's nothing that I would be willing to give up everything for to get.

That is, until I lost my child.

Now, all I want in life is to hold her in my arms again and tell her that everything will be alright. I want to feel her heart and feel her breathe and smile and laugh and-


I spend my days asleep. Desperately hoping for a dream where I see her and bring her back to life. I've spent more time asleep than awake in the last year.

The dreams have stopped.

But I keep sleeping.
