‘Finding a way into tricky situations has never been a problem for me – although I still haven’t learned the art of getting out of them.’

Write a short story that opens with this line. Why does this character make this remark?

Miss Sally Ludey

“Finding a way into tricky situations has never been a problem for me - although is till haven’t learned the art of getting out of them.”

“Mam you do understand you’ve been detained for murder?”

The police officer was not amused.

The woman huffed a laugh. Around 40-50 yet in great shape she had long platinum blonde hair, full lips smeared with bright red lipstick, was around 180 centimetres and wore designer high heels with jogging pants and a sweater. At least that’s what the report on the detained miss Sally Ludey said. The writer of the report might have added a few more details of her sexual grace but we are going to ignore that and leave the poor chap to his questionable desires.

Sally Ludey didn’t seem bothered by the situation and that bothered Jack Dollop. Because anybody in their same mind would be bothered by being accused of murder. And Jack, being a police officer for at least 30 years now, was not new to the game.

“Miss, what were you doing at the night of 14 December from 20-24 pm?”

Sally blew a chewing gum bubble.

Jack sighted. He didn’t know wheee she kept getting those from. He brought the bin up to her and gestured to spit it out.

This was the fifth time it happened.

“I was with a client.”

A slight South American accent decorated her honeyed voice.

Now they were getting somewhere.

“What kind of client.”

Sally bore her eyes into Dollop. Than gestured, as much as she could with her tied hands, to her clothes and herself.

Jack got the gist.

“And where were you?”

There was another pop of bubble gum. Jack’s eye twitched but he resigned to losing this battle.

“South Carolina street Number 24.”

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