Rent A Friend

Canon: About a week after season 3 opener “All The News That Fits”

“If I pay you, will you please pretend to be my friend, just this week?”

Larry sat back in his chair at his desk. He flipped over the slight piece of paper the message was written on. It wasn’t signed and therefore he had no idea who left it on his desk at the Chronicle. He was honestly flabbergasted. Who wanted him to be their friend for only a week bad enough to offer payment?

Larry spotted Balki returning from delivering mail to the upper floors. “Uh, Balki?”

“Yeah, Cousin?” Balki answered and went to the side of Larry’s desk.

“I just had the strangest thing happen. I came back from lunch and found this note on my desk,” Larry said and handed him the note.

Balki read the short message. His face creased with curiosity. “Who this from?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well, I would answer yes, but I wouldn’t need any digdas for it,” Balki said and handed the note back to him.

Larry sighed. Of course, Balki would say yes to such a request. “Well, thanks, Balki.”

“Anytime, Cousin!” Balki said, then headed to the mail table to do more sorting.

Larry stared at the note. He picked up a pen, then wrote “Yes… but you don’t have to pay me.” He taped the note, folded, to his desk lamp.

The next morning, Larry arrived earlier, preparing for a long day of being out an about. He stopped at the entry way when he spotted someone sitting at his desk. He recognized the young girl from when he’d gone to the Kenzie Youth Center a week ago to write an article about a protest.

Larry walked over to the desk, his shoes tapping the floor. Her head went in his direction when she heard the footsteps.

She smiled a bit sheepishly. “Hi, Mr. Appleton.”

“Hi, there,” Larry replied and smiled back.

“Um… thanks for answering my note,” she said.

“You’re welcome. I do have a question for you, though. Why me?”

“Well, um, the Center has a father daughter dance coming up and… I haven’t seen my dad in years.” She paused. “When you came to the Center, I thought you seemed really nice. You cared enough to show up, so…”

Larry was a bit flummoxed. He definitely hadn’t considered anything like this. “You know, I talked to a lot of your friends that day and I can’t remember your name.”

“Lucy Gates,” she answered.

“Lucy, you seem like a very sweet girl, but…” Larry paused here, seeing her frown. “Listen, the thing is, you don’t know me. I’m a stranger.”

“What if you volunteered at the Center for a week?” Lucy suggested.

Larry sighed. She had this whole thing worked out. He smiled again. “All right. It’s a deal.” He put his hand out to her for a handshake.

Lucy shook his hand, then kissed his cheek and ran out, cheering happily.

Larry shook his head, still smiling. He wondered if Balki would believe this.


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