Write a story about a character writing a story.

Perhaps they're an aspiring author, maybe they're stuck for ideas. Or maybe this character represents yourself and the struggles and joys you meet when trying to write your own work.

The Story Being Written

Tracey sat up in bed. She wasn’t sure what had woken her. She listened intently for a few minutes but couldn’t identify anything out of the ordinary.

She was about to lay back down when a flicker of movement caught her eye. She looked to her window and saw a shadow slide across it.

Tracey waited for any more activity. When none came, she groaned softly. Swinging her legs out of bed, she put on her bathrobe and slippers. Then she tiptoed out of her and her husband’s room and into the hall.

She eased the door of her study open, wincing as it made a slight CREAK! She went into the room and lightly closed the door. She silently went over to her coffee machine and started a pot going.

When it was ready she poured herself a mug and sat down to her desk to write. She opened a new document and stared at it for a second. Then she smiled as the words came to her.

She quickly glanced at the clock. It was 1:27 in the morning. That didn’t deter her. She took a sip of coffee and began.

I slipped across the yard, silently. I looked over my shoulder in time to see a car coming. I hurried and ran as quietly as I could to hide behind the massive bush that dominated my neighbors yard.

I wasn’t a second to soon. The car pulled up and Aaron, my neighbor, stepped out. He glanced around then hurried to his door.

Tracey looked up. Her husband had came into the room. She had been so engrossed in her writing, she hadn’t noticed. He smiled then gestured to the screen.

She turned the monitor so he could read. He did, his face very serious. He then laughed then patted her on the shoulder. “I’ll make you some more coffee,” he announced.

Tracey looked at her mug and realized it was empty. She laughed then said, “Thank you, Denton.”

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