
Every life has its time to shine,

Born to the world with a purpose,

They live and survive in brutal environments,

Keep up and never fall behind others.

Obstacles are always in front of you,

Face then overcome them with your courage,

As this is the only way to,

Make the value of life fully reflect.

All those positive thoughts are in mind,

Fight for what you love and believe,

Everything is possible never feel like that,

Very excited hoping all dreams come true.

With the strike of unexpected horrible event,

Took me out of what I believed,

Started to live like a walking dead,

Never thought about and into the abyss.

For years no change hopeless and helpless,

It seemed like will be it forever,

Choose between ordinary and special how to,

Up and down the deep in circle.

The potential of human huge and powerful,

Reborn to work hard and go beyond.

What are my past present and future,

Wake up and fight hard for myself.

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