Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
Getting Ready
“Honey! Where are the diapers?” Andra shouted.
“I was just about to ask you.”
Dave has been the last one to change the baby, he should know where the diapers were. Her stomach rumbled, then she smelled something burning. The acrid scent irritated her nose. The eggs! She bolted to the kitchen and coughed from the horrendous smell. She turned down the raging burner. A ear-piercing wail came from the other room. The baby had just woken up. “Mom! Where are my shoes?”
“They’re by the front door.” The shoes were by the front door every day. Why couldn’t her kids remember that? The baby cried out again, louder this time, and she raced to go tend to him. As she walked through the door she stepped on Lego piece. “Crap!” She muttered as she hopped gingerly on one foot. The smoke alarm went off and caused the baby’s wails to become even louder. Hadn’t she taken the eggs off of the stovetop? She absolutely hated school mornings.