Failed Voyage?

Our crew were sent to find a missing jet that had crashed out in the frozen north. It took weeks— hell, felt like whole months— just to find a part of it. Or at least what we suspected was a part of the jet… It seemed unfamiliar to our bosses when we reported the finding. They stated it was too “alien.” Whatever that means. The next two months were spent (once again) just searching around this large and freezing landmass. It wasn’t until April— I believe the 21st of April— that we even found… it. I remember that day, Sunny, like it were just a few days ago. Feels like just a few minutes ago sometimes, with how detailed my memory of that day is.

It was bright out there at the time, with a freezing chill on my back. I was hiking up the mountain, right behind the rest of the crew. We all were exhausted, so we planned to head back right after this search but then, like a gunshot in a quiet neighborhood, the emptiness of the wind was disrupted; our leader yelled out, “There’s a… a thing! A thing! A-A-A UFO!” Our entire crew suddenly woke up from our boredom to check what he was blabbering about. I ran up that mountain without fear, climbing like a mountain lion… And then, just over the peak I saw it; an advanced flying machine… A UFO. Our crew hurried to check if any life was in it and, well, as you know Sunny… That was the true beginning of the Foreign War.

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