Write a poem about nature reflecting a specific emotion.

There Was A Pot Outside My Window And At Night I Could Imagine Its Figure As A Face Watching Me

I feel as if I’m watched, stalked and preyed upon on by scary creatures, they never made a move they just stood by and looked. It’s their way to taunt, their way to haunt. They scare and that’s all they do, they make me panic, make it seem true. Every night they scare me whenever I’m awake and unable to sleep, they’re the reason why I can’t fall back to sleep, the reason why I’m weak. Whenever I did fall asleep, I always woke up in the middle of the night, they’d make me stay up and they’d give me a fright. And when I dream, I dream of horrible things, I wake up from nightmares sweating and panicking. I’m 15 and still scared of the dark, of ghosts haunting me and creatures and monsters that lurk. I’m old now and I’m supposed to be brave, supposed to know, they’re not there, just a cheap scare. But I can’t, my mind makes them known and they make me aware. Aware that I’m watched and stalked for the rest of my days, until I get help and pass this phase.
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