A spaceship docks silently at an abandoned intergalactic outpost.

Focus on creating tension from the very start of the story. You do not have to resolve the plot.


Thrusters eased their force as the ship approached the surface of Varion-3. Captain June cast her gaze down upon the desolate surface which was littered with dark brown stones and sand kicking up around the landing site, an old air traffic facility.

A voice came from across the glass-walked room. “The landing ramp has been deployed ma’am, you can now head for the exit if you would like.” She muttered back a delicate thank you, and held her eyes on the horizon, much closer, much rockier than she was used to at home. The stars above the cliffs appears to be smiling at her, beckoning her back into orbit.

A few moments later she turned, sighed while grabbing and fastening the blue and white helmet, and began her descent into the sea of emptiness below.

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