Hindsight Is A Bitch

I glanced around at the mess before me. The place I used to call home lied in ruin. Collapsed buildings, shattered glass, and trash now made up what once was a bustling city. Guilt formed like a ball in the pit of my stomach.

“This is on you Ms. Hall! If you chose to work with us instead of against us, we could have prevented this tragedy from happening.” The leader of my escort team bashed me.

I wanted to punch the smug bastard in the face, but my hands were cuffed behind me. But I wasn’t truly angry at him. I was more so angry with myself. A secret group called “The Union” found me two weeks ago. Somehow, they had discovered my ability and sought me out. I had the ability to see the future, but is a very fickle ability. I couldn’t always control when I had visions or how much details I saw within them. It didn’t stop “The Union” from taking an interest in what I could do though.

I’m not a trusting person. So naturally, I refused to show my ability. They tried to assure me that they were only interested in helping me control my gift and that I could use it to help others. But nothing they said really worked on me. One night, while in my cell, I had a vision of a large explosion destroying cities. But I didn’t say anything about my vision to them and now I was regretting it.

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