The Wrong Man

“This man is covered in her blood. His finger prints were everywhere in that house. Don’t come back until you have a confession!” The sheriff opened the door and exited the room. The cop left the room and went to get water.

The cop walked into the interrogation room and sat down. He slid water over to the man when he noticed tears flowing from his eyes. “Are you alright?!” He shook him until he woke up. “Why are you shaking me?” The man questioned. The cop backed away from him and sat down. He laughed awkwardly as he spoke. “Shit. Sorry sir, I came back with some water for you when I saw you crying in your sleep.”

“What’s your name?”

“What?” The cop was confused. The man continued. “What’s your name? I don’t even know you.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m officer Harris. I’m here to talk more.” The man rolled his eyes as Harris opened his case file. “So you’re Chris Thatcher, age 23, and was taken in for the murder of Ailee Wilson. The case file says that the cops on the scene found you covered in her blood. Your fingerprints were all over the house. They were on the murder weapon, and on the body.”

Chris slammed his hands on the table. “Like I told the other cop... I DIDN’T DO IT! No one here believes me!” Chris buries his face into his hands as Harris looks at Chris with sorrow. “I never said I didn’t believe you, Roberts. I was just reading the papers. Tell me what happened and I’ll try to help as best as I can.”

Chris glanced into Harris’s green eyes but broke the eye contact quickly.

“Um... Thanks... Last night I got a call from my... friend. Check my phone, his contact name is ‘dick face’. Anyway, I answered the call. Long story short, he hinted that he killed Ailee and when I asked him directly, he would never give me a straight answer! After he hung up on me, I was leaving to go to the police station when he sent me his location.”

Chris paused and groaned.

“I’m a fucking idiot. He sent me his location, and I went to his house instead. I was so riled up that I couldn’t see what he was doing! He sent me his location knowing I would drive over and try to find him... He was there... He was moving through the house, making noises, hinting where to go. This was all to set me up. I couldn’t find him... But I found Ailee’s body... I- and then I headed towards my car to call the cops since I left my phone in the car. And now I’m stuck here when he’s still out there!”

Chris was aggravated. No one was helping him, no one was listening, no one wanted to help Ailee. “Chris, I know the sheriff thinks that you’re the one who did it without even looking at the other evidence. I know it’ll be hard to convince him to keep looking for your friend…?” Harris was looking for a name.

“Darren. His name is Darren Pierce.”

“Right.” Harris continued. “I’ll convince the sheriff to keep looking for Darren and at least bring him in for questioning.”

“Just questioning him isn’t good enough!”

“But it’s all we can do as of now. I believe you Chris, I do. Your phone pinged a cell tower 10 miles away from Ailee’s House when the police were called. Another officer went to your workplace and questioned your boss. You have an alibi. I’m telling you, I know you didn’t do this. We all know. The sheriff’s just an old coot about to retire. He’s running out of steam.”

Chris was relieved to know the cops believed him. He smiled at Harris. “Thanks Harris. I have no idea what I would’ve done.”

“That’s what we’re here for, right?” Harris said, returning the smile Chris gave him.

They continued to speak, but a cop interrupted them.

“Harris! We need you. There’s been another murder!”

“What? McGee, give me the details. Let’s go.” Harris turns to Chris before they leave. “Chris, stay here. I’ll tell an officer to take you to my office.” Harris then speeds off with McGee to the crime scene.

Soon after, an officer led Chris to Officer Harris’s office.

“What if this murder was Darren too?” Chris questioned to himself. Looking out the window, hearing sirens in the distance.

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