Access Denied

“Oh, you wanna run?” His chilling voice booms through the corridor. Through the gaps in the crate, I watch as he enters the room and swiftly lifts his axe to slash the keypad on the laboratory door with one single hit, “Try and run!”

I accidentally let out a painful whimper. It was as if he could read my mind and shatter my only escape plan. There was nobody else in room 42, It was just me and him. I should've from the start that it would end like this. He chased me up here so nobody would hear me scream and I stupidly ran from him like prey. The room was a simple empty, bright white classroom which instead was used to store equipment and boxes of junk.

“Give up Samantha…” He quietly calls out to my direction. I kept a firm grip on the knife in my sweaty hand. Unfortunately, the only person who was injured was me, “I can hear you whimpering. Did I hurt you, darling? There's droplets of blood near the box you’re hiding behind.” He says.

He knew where I was. Of course, he did. There was no hiding from Ash. Or running. Ash was faster than most people, he just enjoyed the chase so he made it last longer. I watch his bloody trainers slowly tiptoe forward in my direction. There was no point in trying to hide. I slowly lifted my body out from the boxes. Please kill me quickly so it hurts less.

“Well well well…”

“Ash, please… I’m sorry,” I started to beg, “Please don’t kill me!”

His lips turn into a curve, “I'll make you deal sweetheart. I'll give you five minutes to try and escape. Fail to do so and…” He smirks and looks down at his bloody axe, “Well, you know.”

I nod. My body trembling, and my stomach felt like it was tied into an unmendable knot creating the sensation feel like I was going to hurl over and puke at any second. I can't tell if I should believe him or not. My body freezes as he sits beside me on the wooden box, “Well go then?” He demands.

I don't hesitate to pounce for the door. I slam my finger down on the verification pad.


“!” My finger slams down again.


And again,


“PLEASE!” My mouth lets out a helpless scream, frantically slamming my entire body against the door. The predator let out a cackle behind me. The door was busted. Damn it think Samantha. I made a run to smash the window. The trees below me faded into the distance. Just my luck, the clock was ticking and it didn’t help knowing that even trying to land in the nearby lake could shatter my bones. The thought still seemed better than being chopped up into pieces with Ash’s axe.

My eyes glanced around the room. The vent system was too tiny to even attempt to squeeze through. My only last chance at survival would be my words.

“You got three minutes remaining,” Ash interrupted, pointing at the clock. His words were like daggers to my stomach. Time flies by when you’re trying to save your own life.

“You knew there was no way out of here,” I breathed. Trying to steady my voice, “You just wanted to watch the disappointment on my face didn't you?”

The sick smile on his face was an answer in itself, “Give up Samantha?” He asks.

“Please don't kill me, Ash. I don't want to die. I know I've taken life for granted and treated people badly but I don't deserve this. I'm sorry for everything I've done and said to everyone and I'll change I promise!” I beg.

Ash stands up and walks towards me, dragging the axe behind him. The vomit feels like it's rising to my throat. My legs mechanically reverse towards the window. I clear my throat.

“Please Ash, I won't tell anyone about this if you just let me go. I don't want to die. Please I swear I'll be better please don't kill me!” I can't process how many times I plead, or how many times I make deep promises I don't know if I can keep. It doesn't matter when it's my last resort, “You don't have to be a killer…”

Ash stops in front of me. My watery eyes shut tight. In front of me stood a psychopath who was intent on blasting my brains in and behind me was a foggy drop to my demise.

“You promise?” He asks. His voice was gentle, his face no longer smiling.

Teardrops fall at once down my cheeks like rain, “I promise.”

“Not good enough.”

My heart breaks a little more. Unexpectedly, he drops the axe in defeat. But it's too late. He screams my name in an attempt to grab my hand.

I already stepped off the edge.

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