Write the blurb for your book.

The blurb will help you think generally about your main plot points, your audience, and the purpose of your story.

Just Laughed Book Blurb

This is a story for people who like adventure thrillers, and enjoy the quirky cottage mystery humor. It has the elements of a thriller with the randomness of real life in an absurd education thrown in.

The story is about a former CIA-courier, who is going to grad school to re-invent herself and shed her “cover stories” in order to become a “real person” with “real friends”. Unfortunately, danger is around every corner at grad school, beginning with a mysterious shooting and suspects on the run. She agrees to help the FBI investigate the potential terrorists, but when she thinks she finds a student linked to the attacks, she’s ridiculed and abandoned by the FBI. Worse, now that she’s abandoned, the terrorists kidnap her and she realizes they’re working with the FBI agent. Knowing this, she realizes she has no choice but to form a team and try to investigate the FBI and the terrorist cell. Her team of misfits seems to be making progress when they’re exposed and the team scatters - but they’re able to scrape themselves back together in order to blow the FBI conspiracy wide open in a grand finale revealing those who ran away didn’t actually abandon the MC - they wanted to help her all along.

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