A character keeps waking up to the same repeating day, but at least they aren't alone...

Pink Tie (free writing)

This has been done before—twice that I know of!! So for it to be “original”—it must be heavily subverted…like Wanda/Vision meets Ground Hog Day meets Sidekicks.

Consider theme (mindset) and corresponding goal…

What if one of them is making the day repeat (like in the comic with the future assassin who’s the MC’s x-boyfriend’s son—she was the antagonist all along <<twist>>)? I like upbeat stories and twists, keeping that in mind.

A goal could be to break the loop…already done.

The goal could be to achieve something epic—like what if the MC is someone who can manipulate time, and for the best outcome she keeps repeating the day over and over!! Even BETTER—what if she keeps repeating the day (deliberately), over and over again because of the side character—either Irredeemable plot and/or stalker?! The best outcome for the world would be for the two of them to come together, but she’s not into him/ready for love (cliche!!)… she’s unaware that wooing him is the best possible option!! Sleeping with the Enemy (my idea of the plot) meets Irredeemable meets Cupid.

I’d like a MORE upbeat plot—I did get the thought of “psychopaths/sociopaths” in the business world… what if a new girl with the biggest heart runs into one such man and keeps rewinding time to beat him at his own game (that is, succeed in the business world as a compassionate human being!!)!! A dark Tin Man meets Glinda meets Business 101. With her power, it’s easy to come out on top—at least it used to be, until she met him.

“Businesspeople are the backbone of the economy. You could define a businessperson as a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to making and spending money. You can find them in virtually every organization buying and selling goods, managing operations, supervising workers, balancing the books and overseeing finances.”

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