Write a statement from a criminal who is on trial for a murder they feel no remorse for.

Consider why this character doesn't regret their actions.

Melony The Murderer

I am 100% guilty of murdering my brother. I've never liked him. He always followed me around and always got into my stuff. But that's not why I killed him. The moment I took his life, is never felt more alive. I would do it again to anyone. I'm guilty and going to jail with a smile on my face. I've never been happier than to go to his funeral. He deserved everything he got. Boy did I love hearing him scream and beg me not to kill him. Ashton had always been the favourite. He was always in the spot light, the golden child. Nothing I did was ever good enough. My parents never took notice of their firstborn and only daughter. So I killed their pride and joy. Their perfect son who had everything. Now I am happier.

I feel no remorse and I'd kill again.

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