Submitted by Grégorienne


Write a short story or poem around this theme - remember it does not have to be literal.

Skin And Bones

I feel like a fat person with a malnourished soul My appearance in the mirror- round and soft But on the inside- I am skin and bones A body isn’t the only thing that needs fed My soul is hungry, _starving_ For experiences that set it on fire For the happiness at the end of the princess movies For the fulfillment, the peace, the joy My soul takes refuge in my head Where it can travel and see the wonders of the world Write many great novels and read even more Paint the beautiful lilacs when they’re in bloom My inner compass spins, searching for true north A place to feed my soul, to greedily gulp until it cannot anymore To feel truly whole, to be satisfied For my soul’s appearance to match my bloated physique Fat on the outside, skin and bones on the inside What I’d do to switch the two
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