Plan Red Eagle

Lei runs through the bustling crowd, concealing the box under her jacket, and holding the note in her hand.

She glances at her reflection in the window of a small store, and is underwhelmed. How long have I been doing this, she thought.

Her brown eyes looked sunken, sad. Her once pale skin was the color of dirt. And her black hair now looked like an old mop. It had been a while since she had seen herself, and it caught her of guard. It didn’t anger her, just surprised her.

“I look like hell” she mutters under her breath.

Lei tip toes past a group of men in suits, and holds her breath to the point her face gets red and bloated like a puffer fish. If there was any time to be paranoid, it’s now.

When she manages to get past them, she turns a corner, and takes out the box from her hoodie. She had pressed it so hard against her, it left a mark around her abdomen.

Lei has spent most of her teen years searching for this. 15 to the ripe age of 19. It almost surprised her how underwhelming the box looked. It’s silver metal covering was not at all what she excepted. The only interesting part of it was a red symbol that looked almost familiar. Almost.

“Oh my goodness Den, why did you buy it if it didn’t have a chip! That’s a waist of 20 dollars!” A voice says from the corner.

Of course. There are people everywhere.

Lei once again shoves the box in her jacket, and look around, but all she could see are concrete walls. Well, not all. A small hole in one of the city’s walls catches her attention.

She can get executed if she even goes near the wall. But then again, they will do much worse to her if they found out she took the memory drive.

Lei throws herself to the opening, and stumbles. The floor, inches away from her face, leaving nothing but a scrape on her knee.

She picks herself up again, wanders into the hole, not knowing what she would encounter.

Lei almost doesn’t fit. If she wasn’t a scrawny young girl she probably wouldn’t have. but yet she did. And now she is in a odd place.

It looks like a cave, but there are concrete walls everywhere that expand farther than she could see. It is cold, even cold for her. And there are pieces of medal everywhere. It is probably the inside of the wall, and is where all electric power runs. Of course there will never be a hole in the wall. Of course.

But still, it felt weird being all alone. She could hardly remember a time of complete silence. She had this uneasy feeling that there was something still watching. She just couldn’t see it.

She un-crumples the paper in her hand and quickly scans over it.

‘Dear Lei, once you get it, run. You will know what to do after then. And remember, trust the red bird. Much love my eagle, Daniel.’

As she read the word love, her eyes teared up and got overwhelmed with grief.

This is not the time for this she repeats to herself.

Once again, she’s face to face with the strange box.

“Open” she says, but nothing happens. It still lays there like a price of junk.


“Code 7”.

“Enter password.”

And then finally when she says that, a robotic voice says in a cold voice “enter password.”

Lei scrambles to find the note, and reads over it again.


The words red and eagle didn’t make sense.

And Daniel always had a meaning behind every word he said.

Lei hesitatingly puts the box up to her face and says, “Red eagle.”

She stares blankly at the box but nothing.

It sits in front of her, still being a box.

That is until a small bing comes from the box.

Lei scoots away from the box, as the red symbol glows brighter and brighter.

The four sides of the box drop open, and a beaming light pops out.

Frozen in fear and confusion, Lei opens her eyes to see a hologram hovering above her.

She can’t help but let out a smile and sigh of relief. It’s real.

“How can i assist you?” It asks.

“I’ve missed you Daniel” Lei responds, as the hologram smiles.

“I guess we better start looking for your body huh?” Lei exclaims.

“First you know what we need to do” he says.

“I know, I know” Lei responds. “We’re going to tear down this damn wall.”

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