I Am…. Prometheus

Standing dangerously close to the ledge of that skyscraper by 5th avenues, Lisa wobbled in shock at one thing. She had just seen him. The man she thought she knew all her life, he was this thing that she could not comprehend. She did not understand how… her heart raced and her mind searched rapidly for answers as she gasped feeling incredibly dizzy and nauseated standing over the ledge.

Richard ran frantically to the rooftop of the skyscraper, there he saw Lisa standing dangerously close to the edge, she was at great risk of falling, so he lunged forward to whisk away from the edge to a safer spot.

“Let go of me” she wailed angrily. She fought back and when he put her down, he could not look her in the eyes. “What are you?” “Who are you?,how…” she could barely say the questions out loud fearing the response.

She know what she saw, but she could not and would not accept it.

Richard sending her consternation longed for her to understand him, and battled internally on how to explain things to her. He didn’t want to lose their friendship. They have been through a lot together, from fighting homelessness, to being financially comfortable. He had to tell her. Although she is upset, she will eventually come around.

“Lisa.” He said softly, looking into her eyes. “Lisa, yes, I am Prometheus. I don’t know how it happened, but here I am in this skin. I cannot get rid of it. I have become it. I know that you are confused, I am confused as well, but what can I do.” His voice was nervous and desperate as he spoke in a hushed but direct tone; pleading with her to understand him, to accept him…. To live him inspite of what he has become.

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