You wake as a character in an old novel. Whilst you work out how to get back to the modern day, you must remain inconspicuous.

Don't worry if you haven't read any old novels; try to think about how the times were different to now, and how you would try to fit in.



My head is spinning and I know it’s happened again. I’ve been warped to another period of time. I swallow hard and wait to open my eyes until the faintness has subsided. I blink, and then again. I’m hovering above a sea of people clamoring angrily, rage collectively shaping their faces. Why am I above them? I try to move an arm, I can’t. I try to move my legs. Nope. I glance down and notice that I am tied by my arms and legs to a wooden stake, and I can feel heat starting to uncomfortably caress the bottoms of my bare feet.

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