“I really can’t stand you.”
“Then why are you still listening to me?”
Write a short story that features this piece of dialogue.
The Second Son
Sepitus stomped his way into the drawing room where Romulus stood already waiting for him with a glass of brandy in hand. Romulus gulped down the last of his liquor before setting the glass back onto the small bar table against the wall, making a small click that was like thunder in the tense silence of the room.
“Dear brother, I have heard of your plan to marry the Brightwall girl.” Romulus said with an antagonistic sneer on his face. “You know she is not up to the family standard, or did you think only because you are the second born that rule does not apply to you?” Romulus said staring through his thick brow at his brother who by this point was nearly seething with anger.
“I would hardly call what we are a family, brother.” Sepitus said in retort. “But you have heard correctly, I will be marrying Ms. Amberly Brightwall at the end of next spring.”
As Romulus listened to his younger brothers words his jaw clenched in anger, however he held his temper.
“I highly advise against this course of action Sepitus. If you go through with this, as the man of this house I will have no option than to-“
“Disown me.” Sepitus interrupted. “Cast me out? Proclaim me a dishonor for the whole of the town to gossip over? So be it then brother.” Sepitus finished as Romulus stood mouth nearly agape.
“I only want you to consider the consequences to this more seriously Sepitus.” Romulus said calmly before taking a step towards him.
“Oh that is rich isn’t it brother” Sepitus said nearly in hysterics. “I really cannot stand you. Your pretentious air, your sucking up to the nobility.” He said nearly laughing now.
“Then why come here and listen to me Sepitus. You would not, If you didn’t at least have some sense to you.” Romulus looked at his brother almost pleadingly. Trying to get him to understand his point.
Sepitus merely shook his head in denial and left the room. Leaving Romulus to his drink.