Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.

"Your time is up. Better run!"

Write a story that contains this line of speech anywhere within.


Holden was breathing heavy as he slid to a stop and crouched down behind a weathered wooden counter. He grabbed his shirt as if he was trying to calm his heart from beating out of his chest. “Come on,” Holden whispered to himself. He inhales, slightly leaning back Holden sticks out his chest and slowly exhales. “Breath” After a minute, Holden was able to lower his heart rate from the breathing exercises and studied his surroundings. From the food court, the only way out was through the sporting goods store and out the maintenance room. Holden took out his handgun and release the the clip. “Three more shots,” he loaded the clip back and pulled the slide back half way, “and one in the chamber”. Suddenly, on the opposite side of the food court, Pizza Palace kitchens double doors flung open and poured in six fully armed and equipped soldiers- weapons drawn and ready. When Holden had peaked, another person had come from behind one of the soldiers and weaved through to the front of the soldiers. “Holden!,” the man called out which echoed throughout the abandoned food court. “Stop playing games, Holden!” Holden started to scan the room and look at the stacks of chairs and tables in the middle of the room. I could use this counter to my advantage Holden thought. But nevertheless, the only way out was through him. He thought, if he could time it right, he could sneak pass the group of men take out who seemed like the leader . He crabbed walked down till the counter had ended and waited. The group of men moved tactically down the broad walkway except for the man who knew his name. Holden took out his handgun and raised the iron sight to his eye level and moved towards the man. With his gun still aiming at the man he glanced back at the group heading towards the bathroom, way out of sight. “Now’s my chance,” Holden sprang from behind the counter and made a b-line towards the man. The man looked up as if he was expecting Holden, as Holden unloaded three shots which rang loudly, and sank into a slump. The man laughed hysterically and pulled out a deadman’s switch, “you’re time is up. Better run”
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