Ice skating

I hear the roars of the ocean clashing against the rocks next to my home. I walk down into my kitchen. Dishes lay piled up as high as my eyes view. I walk around my counter stepping over torn dog toys. My mom has been laying on the couch watching tv since the accident. 3 months ago we got into a car collision, my mom had been driving and I was in the passenger seat aside her as normal. Suddenly a transport truck ramed into the drivers side of the car. I can still hear the screals and wailing of my mom. The paramedics got there intime to save her life but her leg was a lost cause. The flesh was torn into shreds leaving blood and skin everywhere. Ever since the day my mother lost her leg she has been drained, so drained she cant even take care of her kids anymore. I learned to cook and clean, take the dogs for walks, bring the kids to school and help with there homework afterwards. Meanwhile she sits there and just screams at us all day. Everytime im around her now its like walking on thin ice, you need to be careful with your words elegant almost like a figure skater leaping and turning at the perfect times and making everything just right.

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