Inspired by Kail Cleo
Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).
Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.
Love Letters
May 1st, 2024
Sir, I am sorry to inform you that your mother passed this week. Sunday she woke feeling light headed, dizzy, and vomitting. Monday morning, she passed away. I am sorry for your loss and pray for a speedy recovery.
-Amy Jones, Hospital Informant.
May 4th, 2024
Mrs. Jones,
I am very grieved to hear the news, however I am eternally grateful that you took time to share and give your regrets. Do you think it is possible to meet up eventually so that we can discuss my mothers passing in detail?
Thank you and kind regards,
Christopher Barns
May 7th, 2024
Mr. Barns,
Yes, how about Tuesday? Say.. 12pm? We can meet at the Candelight Diner.
Thank you,
-Amy Jones
May 12th, 2024
Thank you for the wonderful time we had. I enjoyed it, even though the items of concern were sad. Thank you also for the help. Do you or think we can meet again?
May 14th, 2024
I also had a good time, and indeed. I would do most any thing to see your blond hair again. Any ideas of where?
May 22, 202
I apologize for taking so long to respond! I have been very busy. I would be most delighted to meet at the Candelight Diner again! It had the most romantic setting.
(As you may have noticed, I am sadly.. a romantic :)
May 25th, 2024
Thursday Morning at 11am, early lunch!
See you there!!
May 31st, 2024
That was the most fun I have had in years! You are very pleasant company! I also forgot to mention, I love your hair in return! The brown is very lovely with your complexion.
Would you like to meet once again? Say at the movies? Friday night? 7pm.
Yours always, Christopher!
June 2nd, 2024
I would be beyond delighted to accompany you to the movies! See you then!
June 4th, 2024
I am out of words. That kiss was amazing. Have you had practice? Wait, don’t answer that. I am glad we are officially dating! I can’t wait till Saturdays picnic!
June 9th, 2024
That picnic was lovely! I do so enjoy picnicing and writing letters! And to think, this all started with a sad letter. It all worked to the good! And by the way, your a good kisser too! My favorite part is the passion I see in your eyes when we’re together. Your muscles are a great asset and the hair is stunning, but it’s your eyes that won my heart. I fear I am in love with you. I am trusting you with my heart, Christopher.
Love, Amy!
June 12th, 2024
I fear my heart has melted. Am I dreaming? Did I really receive that last letter?
To be quite honest, I love you too. My heart was yours from the first date. I fell hard. Your heart is in safe arms, is mine?
Dear readers,
How would you make Amy reply?
Break his heart? Complete the love?
Thank yall for reading and please check out Chris Benjamin’s writing!! There awesome!
And yes, this is the boringest story I’ve wrote… I even bored myself!! 😊