Submitted by Freddie
Life Without You
Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.
Those Crisp Mountains
My childhood was full of winding drives
With you.
Past snow capped, crisp mountains
Snuggling close to my warm, red blanket
Talking of nothing and everything
Dreams of traveling the world
Perhaps to beaches with water so crystal clear you can see to the deepest depths
Or Jungles so thick every turn is an adventure
Yet those were only dreams
I moved away from these crisp mountains of my childhood
Away from you.
Conversations became fewer between
Life became different,
No late night talks of dreams, childish dreams, sure
but they were ours;
And that’s all that mattered
Some nights, the aching isn’t noticeable, life goes on after all
Others, I lay in bed contemplating, wishing you were with me
Spending life with you.
Life is short, after all
Shouldn’t it be spent being happy
Sitting by a fireplace, reading the latest novel
Perhaps running in the pouring rain, feeling only bliss
Yet, life is a rollercoaster
It’s full of night’s you think you won’t survive
Hours wasted waiting for the day to end
Perhaps even medication taken simply to survive
You see, life is terrible, yet it’s full of beauty
Sometimes it’s only in the little things
That walk you took after work
The steaming pan of crisp, rich brownies you made on a Sunday afternoon
After all, it’s just life-
So go live, don’t just survive