Space Between Stars

A newborn’s blanket, black as the night and studded with blue and white pom-poms. Soft to the touch, it swaddles the baby’s head and acts as both a pillow and a bedsheet even though it is neither of those things. If you look long enough, the child’s features fade into the blanket and two becomes one - the former contentedly smiling and the latter reaching and stretching for miles around the space. The blanket has been used for thousands of years by many, but right now there is just the one baby in its grasp. You’d wish for that darkness to last for eternity, looking up. But eventually, as you watch, the blanket becomes lighter and lighter, settling on a light blue. The color of the pom-poms remain the same, but the image is totally changed. The tone has shifted from secretive unknowns to a lighthearted welcoming. You didn’t think anything could ever be so beautiful.

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