
Strong, loving arms held my tight as I awoke. I saw Oberon's beautiful violet furred face in front of me, and I wept. "You're here, it's over, it's over."

"Shh, shh," he said softly. "I've healed you but you're still weak. We're on my Vimana returning to Cashel right now. Agrippa is piloting yours. He has the prisoners with him, Malachus, the lieutenants, the Beast, the Witnesses ..."

"What about Cancer's sons?" I asked. I remembered their shattered forms and the wounds they bore.

"They're on the ship with us, also healing. I couldn't bring them back to full health since I hadn't so much strength. I used most of what I had on you, because you were the most seriously injured," he explained. "You had a punctured lung, a ruptured spleen, and several broken ribs. You easily could have died."

"Did you find Marax?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"I did," Oberon answered, looking away. "It was too late to heal him when I found him. His ventricle had ruptured with the earthquake and a falling building. I had moments with him and he was gone. His grave is near the Crystal Forest."

I held onto his hand and felt coldness wash over him. As much as he'd pretended to have grieved and accepted his son's identity as a Sanglorian soldier, I knew he still dream of reunion with him, of a father and son together. Now Marax was dead and buried, like his mother. With the war won, Oberon no longer had purpose.

Trying to find some words to say, I asked, "What was he like, before he died? You could speak with him?"

"He ..." Oberon stammered. "He recognized me. He was glad to see me, and he claimed his Indigo identity. I was happy that at least he didn't die alone. I'm free now," he whispered, pressing on his eyes. "He's at peace and my country is liberated. I'm free." Tears trickled around his fingers.

I wanted to heal him, to take his hurt away. But I didn't have anything left.

He sat down next to me and held me. I fell asleep in his arms.

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