‘With the final flickering of the lights, I took a deep breath, knowing I had done everything I could to save us.’

Write a story that concludes with this line. Think which kind of storylines could logically lead to this finale.

The Retched King

The house that held so many of my memories began to change. The bright walls that were covered in pictures of my family had turned dark and rotten. The wooden floorboards creaked as my feet dragged my body away from the door.

The door.

It wasn’t bright red anymore that allowed the light of the outside world to enter. Instead, it was covered in cobwebs; darkness was the only thing to be seen through the two narrow windows.

The wind howled louder and louder. I knew it wouldn’t be long. The consequences of my decisions were dawning on me. But I didn’t regret them. If I could relive the last few days, I wouldn’t change a thing. Saving this little girls life, who now hid behind my legs, from the retched king was a decision I wouldn’t change.

I had prayed to the gods of past kings and queens for mercy on both of us. I hope it’s enough.

Then, a pair of glowing red eyes appeared through the windows of the door. The room fell silent and so did the wind. The door creaked open as a gust of black smoke filled the dimly lit room and circles us. This was it. He was here.

With the final flickering of the lights, I took a deep breath, knowing I had done everything I could to save us.

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